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Welcome to Kings Church

About us

Welcome to Kings church. We are a family focused church, passionate about Jesus and we're located in Frodsham, Knutsford, and online. As part of the Free Methodist Church, we're all about creating relaxed and friendly community for anyone who wants to deepen their faith. Join us for worship and discipleship where we Encounter Jesus together.

​Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28 v 18-20

Our Vision

Encountering Jesus Together

Our Purpose

Making Disciples who make Disciples

Our Values

Jesus is at the heart of all we do. Led and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Authentic in worship.
Grounded in biblical holiness.
A true Christian family.
Welcoming all, with a heart for young people.

Meet the Team

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Hi, I am Rev Scott, let me introduce myself...


I accepted Jesus as my Lord and saviour in 1995, I took him at His word, and he is so faithful. Since then I married the most amazing lady, I have three kids, and the wonderful call to build local churches.


I joined the methodist ministry in South Africa in 2001, and then transferred to the British Methodist Church in 2016. In 2021, I felt God open a door to minister in the Free Methodist Church in Frodsham.


I have the privilege of leading the team at Kings, where we have a passion for building a truly authentic Christian community, where people can discover and live the Christian faith together.


I also run and online ministry to help everyday Christians get to know the word of God, which includes bible studies (particularly around the book of revelations) and daily 3 minute videos called “the morning brew”. You can find these videos here


At Kings we have a vision not just for Frodsham and the surrounding villages, but to gather and encourage smaller groups around the world, and to get back to what Christ intended the church to be. We welcome you to join, whether physically or virtually, and together follow the Lord, fulfilling the great commission.


So apart from Jesus, the bible, and building great Christian communities, what other things are important to me: my family, including my parrot “sunshine”, celebrating the wonderful gift of coffee, cricket, rugby, reading, exploring, and cooking.

Scott Manning - Lead Pastor

Meet The Team



Lay Deligate



Childrens Ministry

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Emma and Thierry

Knutsford Site Leaders

Actual Image coing soon



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